Want to contribute something to our magazine, give feedback, or join our editorial committee? Use the form below or send an email directly to
If you write an article for us, we will review your piece 2-3 times, the first and second draft will likely take you the most time to find a clear angle and ensure your content is aimed at our audience. Before you begin, the team encourages you to first submit an article ‘brief’ so we can give you recommendations for how to develop your article idea early on. Please keep in mind that we are a volunteer committee. We are also studying and trying to graduate in parallel. In our experience, the average time to publish a 1500-word science article is 6-8 months from the submission of the first draft.
If you join our committee you will receive extensive mentorship and monthly training in the editorial & review process and tips for how to improve your writing. You’ll be part of a social & motivated team of master students and science graduates from various VU Amsterdam life sciences programs. You’ll be encouraged to write at least one article during your tenure. We ask for a minimum 1 semester (6-month) commitment for serving on the committee, but it’s OK if you already graduate during this time. We expect your presence at meetings once per month (usually online), and a monthly time investment is ± 10 additional hours for editing and sub-committee work. Should you wish to join our team, try to indicate in your first mail your content ideas or what you hope to learn or bring to our committee.