For a long time, illustration was the only way for humans to capture the beauty of flora and fauna around them. Even though photography has made it possible to capture all the flora and fauna of the world with only the click of a button, illustrations are still widely used by scientists for clarification. Not…
A team of researchers recently claimed to have developed a new treatment to remove all traces of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from the mammalian genome through a combination of using an antiviral drug regime and genetic engineering. Published this summer in Nature Communications, the landmark paper describes how a combination of pre-treating HIV-1 infected…
“Dear applicant, I am sorry but all internship positions in the lab have already been filled.” As a first-year master student I received a lot of emails like this when I was looking for my first internship position. What a nightmare! So many applications sent, yet so few responses and then mostly rejections…